"By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before."
(Edwin Elliot)
It's been over 21 months since Lila was born; even longer since my last update. After Ava was born, it took me almost 7 months to write a post (
"Final Weeks of Pregnancy and Ava's Birth"), and I thought that was a long time!
Here are my previous updates on this pregnancy:
- Half-Baked... and It's Another Girl!
- Bye-Bye, 2nd Tri {PinkBlush Giveaway}
- Full-Term Update with Baby Girl #2
- Plus: Our Maternity/Family Photo Session at Liberty State Park
Now Lila is a walking, talking toddler, and just an all-around adorable daughter and little sister! And a handful -- no luck on the thought that our 2nd would be easier. Being a writer and documenter, I'm glad that I kept notes throughout pregnancy and even during labor and after delivery, otherwise I doubt I would remember much since it's been a blur. I won't even attempt to recap her more than 1.5 years, but without further ado, please see below for weeks 37, 38, and 39 of pregnancy, and Lila's birth on September 22, 2016.
Pregnancy from 8-39 weeks, and holding Lila at 40 weeks |
Lila at the hospital, FOB (fresh out the belly) |
37 Weeks
- Baby is the size of romaine lettuce.
- She is full-term, gaining about 1/2 ounce a day, and getting her first meconium ready; she's also brushing up on skills for the outside world: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, blinking, and gripping.
- Appointment at 37w0d: Weight, blood pressure, and urine sample taken. OB measured me and checked baby's heart rate (138 bpm); said Group B strep test was negative; said I needed to stay for an ultrasound because they wanted to take a growth scan since baby seemed small. I had an ultrasound with many measurements taken (heart rate of 146 bpm during ultrasound). Met with OB again, who said that baby was small at approximately 4 lbs. 15 oz. (under 5th percentile; should be average of 6 lbs. now). He said I need to go for Doppler studies with a high-risk doctor at the hospital within the next 2 days and come back for a non-stress test. If baby seems fine, just small, I'll continue to be tested/monitored twice a week; otherwise they recommend immediate delivery.
- Appointment at hospital with high-risk doctor (37w1d): Ultrasound; said baby looked fine.
- Appointment at 37w3d: Weight, blood pressure, and urine sample taken. Non-stress test for approximately 30 minutes. OB said I would get a call to schedule induction for 39 weeks.
- Symptoms: Congestion, insomnia, increased pressure noticeable especially when walking or moving from a still position.
Snacking on rainbow cookies at 37w2d |
38 Weeks
- Baby is the size of a winter melon.
- She is slowly shedding vernix caseosa and lanugo; her head is about the same circumference as her abdomen, and may have an inch or so of hair.
- Appointment at 38w0d: Ultrasound to check measurements, growth, heart rate (133 bpm), intrauterine environment. Weight, blood pressure, and urine sample taken. Met with OB very briefly to reconfirm final non-stress test and induction date.
- 38w2d: Sam and I got flu shots, and Ava got hers the next day.
- Appointment at 38w3d: Weight, blood pressure, and urine sample taken. Non-stress test for approximately 30 minutes; said baby looked good. NP checked my cervix, which was not dilated, and said baby's head was really low; gave me paperwork to bring to the hospital for induction -- scheduled to arrive at 8:30 PM, have Cervidil administered around 9:30, and Pitocin at approximately 6:00 AM.
- 38w4d: My mother-in-law arrived. She had planned to come later but fortunately was able to change her ticket when we found out I would be induced 1 week before my due date.
- Symptoms: Congestion, insomnia, acid reflux, pressure from baby being so low, on the verge of leg cramps.
- Cravings: Brownies.
Pack 'n Play temporarily set-up for Lila in Ava's room (which they now share) |
Ava kissing my 38w2d belly |
Brownie craving fulfilled at 38w3d |
Packing for the hospital at 38w6d, the day before being admitted |
39 Weeks, Induction Time!
- Baby is the size of a pumpkin.
- Her brain is still rapidly developing; her skin has taken on a paler shade thanks to a thicker layer of fat around the blood vessels; she can now flex her limbs; and her nails might extend past her fingertips.
- Symptoms: Episode of dizziness/light-headedness/difficulty focusing eyes/headache.
Labor and Delivery
I gave birth to Lila Yena Son on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 2:53 AM. She weighed 6 lbs. 1.5 oz. and measured 19 inches long. I had arrived at the hospital on the evening of September 20, so the whole process took a very long time. Still, this experience was like night and day compared to my experience
when Ava was born. No drama in the delivery room, no repeated drops in baby's heart rate (last time, it could have been due to the fact that Ava was born with the umbilical cord around her neck), and yes, an epidural! I highly recommend one, now that I know what it's like. I also had problems during my healing after Ava was born, but this time around was much more normal. And breastfeeding -- which I was successful with for over 15 months with Ava, being determined to exclusively breastfeed even though the first few months were very difficult (for common reasons, as well as that Ava was tongue-tied) -- was so much easier. My milk does not fully come in until after 5 days or so, which is longer than most, but I knew not to stress out about it, and I never had even a clogged milk duct over the 15 months I exclusively nursed Lila.
But back to September 20-22. Disclaimer: The birth story below is long and boring. I'm sharing it since I took notes and want to preserve the memories. Read if you're interested in what it might be like to be induced, the 2nd time for me. (
Read Ava's if you want more excitement.)
September 20, 2016: We got to the hospital, and waited a while before being admitted and given wrist tags. I undressed, changed into a hospital gown, and was hooked up to a fetal heart rate monitor and contraction monitor (Lila's heart rate ranged from 120s-150s). I was asked multiple questions, and then the nurse took my blood and put in an IV around 10 PM. She came back with the OB at 11:20 to talk about the induction, check for dilation (2 cm), and insert Cervidil.
September 21, 2016: Another nurse came in at 12:50 AM to have me move to the side, off of my back, and take a set of vitals. She asked if I had any cramping, to which I answered no, but afterwards I realized I might. I stayed on my left side with the finger mitt on. She returned with a technician around 12:45 to draw more blood. At 3:15, the machine started beeping and a nurse came, and she checked the machine and changed the paper. I went to the bathroom for the 2nd time after getting the IV. At 4:40, the machine started beeping again, and another nurse came to change my IV bag and check my blood pressure. Around 6:45, I had another blood draw and went to the bathroom. A little after 7:40, another nurse came to take my vitals, and explained the timeline of Cervidil and Pitocin. Sam went home around 8 AM to check-in on Ava and his mom, take a shower, and pick-up some sweets for the L&D nurses. The nurse came back at 9:17 to check if I needed anything. Just after 9:40, the next OB on call came in to let me know they would take the Cervidil out in a few hours and let me shower or wash up, as long as I wasn't too far progressed. Cramping/contractions intensified. Another nurse came in just after 10:20 and said that she would check with the doctor if I can eat or drink anything, and put a "fall risk" wristband on me. She came back at 11 to adjust my fetal heart rate and contraction monitors, and the OB took out the Cervidil, which was a little painful, and checked for dilation (3 cm, also painful). She said I could order food, shower or wash up, eat, and then they would start with doses of oral Cytotec. The nurse returned at noon to remove my monitors, disconnect my IV, and cover it with plastic. I went to the bathroom. After lunch (an egg white omelet with veggies and cheese, berry yogurt parfait, coffee, and water), I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and changed my gown. A little after 1:45 PM, another nurse came to reconnect me to the IV drip and monitors, take my vitals, and change the IV bag. She said she would check the orders for Cytotec. At 2, she gave me 1 dose of Cytotec. She came back at 2:23 and 2:54 to check on me. A nurse came in again to check on me around 3:50, and yet another nurse came at 4 to take my vitals and give me the 2nd dose of Cytotec. I went to the bathroom around 4:15. I talked to Ava on the phone at 4:30. A nurse came in a little after 5:40, saying she would give me another dose of Cytotec at 6. She returned at 6 to give me the 3rd dose, then I went to the bathroom, and the doctor stopped by to check on me. The nurse came back at 6:53 to check on me. My parents visited around 7:15. After the shift change, another nurse came at 7:50 to introduce herself, and returned at 8 to give me the 4th dose of Cytotec. She also gave me graham crackers and cranberry juice as a snack. At 8:40, I called for a nurse because my contractions were getting stronger, closer, and more painful. She came in at 8:53, took my vitals, and I went to the bathroom. She said I could try waiting until 10, when the doctor would be in to check on me. At 10:05, she asked if I wanted the epidural then, and I said yes. The OB came back at 10:15 to check for dilation (4 cm, -2 station). The anesthesiologist -- who was very experienced and skilled, and even showed Sam her techniques -- came to give me the epidural around 10:25. The nurse placed the blood pressure cuff on my right arm, which remained until delivery and went off every 15 minutes. Then she inserted a foley catheter at 10:50, and said that the OB would be in to break my water.
September 22, 2016: The OB came in around 12:05 AM to break my water. At 12:23, the nurse came to shift me from my left side to my right side, wedging a pillow underneath me, because my contractions were dipping (every 4-5 minutes apart). She returned at around 1:30 to reposition me on the left side with a peanut ball between my legs, and took my temperature. She said to call her if I felt any pressure to go to the bathroom. I called for a nurse around 1:55. She came to check and asked if I wanted to start pushing or if I wanted to wait about half an hour until the pressure increased. My contractions were between 2-5 minutes and I was fully dilated, at +1 station, but it would be best if I were at +2 station, so she said she would come back after 2:30 unless the urge to push became too strong before then. She changed my position to more of an upright, seated position (without the peanut ball).
I started pushing around 2:43 AM. I pushed through 3.5 contractions for just over 10 minutes. I saw Lila's head emerging in the mirror. Immediately after she was born, she was placed on me for skin-to-skin contact. The placenta came out at 2:57. Lila had her umbilical cord cut, her weight checked, and her vitals checked. Like Ava, she scored 9/10, 9/10
The nurse had another delivery, and there was a delay in the nursery coming to get Lila to do additional checks on her, so Lila stayed in the L&D room with us for a while, starting to breastfeed, and had her vitals checked again. My epidural was removed at 4:55. I had my vitals checked and uterus massaged. A catheter was inserted at 5 to empty my bladder to make room for my uterus to shift. I changed my ice pack, pads, and mesh underwear. The nursery came to take Lila and Sam at 5:20. I was wheeled to the postpartum recovery room, and had my blood pressure taken by a technician while a nurse checked my uterus and bleeding, and reviewed paperwork and other information. It was 6 AM by the time we were all done and ready to rest, but I ate a fig bar and drank some pineapple juice. And believe it or not, I have many more notes on my hospital stay all the way until I was discharged a couple of days later, but I'll spare those details and wrap this up with some photos.
Spending quality time with my baby kangaroo |
Babies always look so bruised up after birth. They go through a lot too! |
She cleaned up nicely |
Getting ready to go home (nurse cutting off tags) |
Nursing Lila in my hospital room before we left |
Going Home
I was discharged from the hospital on Saturday, 2 days after Lila was born. Sam and I drove our new baby girl home, where 22-month-old Ava was waiting with my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law stayed for several weeks, helping us a great deal. We didn't have to worry about meals that entire time, which as a new mom is one of the best gifts you can receive. It allowed me to focus all of my energy and attention on Lila, and also on Ava and my recovery.
Baby's 1st car ride |
Welcome home, baby girl! |
Colostrum/milk-drunk |
Daddy, big sister & new baby sister |
Having a toddler and a newborn -- who are now 2 very active and demanding little girls -- has been exhausting always, crazy often, and wonderful overall. The nights and days... and weeks and months... feel like an eternity sometimes, but that little baby is now 3 months away from turning 2 years old, and her big sister is less than 5 months away from turning 4!
That's my very lengthy but long-overdue account of the end of my pregnancy with Lila and her birth. So much has happened since then -- and I haven't even touched on any details of her infancy or toddler life or milestones -- but if you follow me on
Instagram I post about Lila and Ava there quite often. I'm not sure when it will happen but I have plans to revamp my blog in the future, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, we're moving in a couple of weeks and I am not ready!
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